How to Remove a Car Battery

image of a mechanic placing a battery in a car


Your car’s battery starts the vehicle, keeps it running from Sinking Spring to Reading and helps power all the electrical components. You may want to get up to speed on removing a car battery in order to replace it when the charge runs down. Removing a car battery also comes in handy when you need to inspect your battery for signs of damage. Removing a car battery is a relatively simple task that you can complete by yourself. Read on to find out how to remove a car battery safely with the team at Performance Toyota.


Batteries hold enough charge to deliver a deadly shock, so make sure you’re wearing insulated work gloves when removing the car battery. You should also wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from corrosive agents. Before beginning, turn off your vehicle to prevent sparks or flammable agents. From there, follow the below steps:

  • Take off any jewelry to prevent getting a shock if they come in contact with the battery.
  • Ensure you’re in a well-ventilated area to prevent exposure to harmful gases.
  • Use zip ties to keep the battery cables in their proper place. If they touch, it creates sparks and can become a fire hazard, so preventing them from touching is critical.
  • Cover the positive cable end with a cloth once it is removed to avoid metal-to-metal contact.

If the terminal is fused, use a special battery cable removal tool to loosen. You can find these at the Performance Toyota parts department.


In order to remove your battery, follow the below steps:

  • Find the negative terminal (typically has a black plastic cover or a minus sign and will be located either on the post or in close proximity).
  • Take hold of the bolt head of the negative terminal with a wrench and hold it still.
  • Use another wrench to remove the nut, then pull off the negative cable and secure it away from the battery.
  • Repeat the above step for the positive cable, making sure that the two battery cables do not touch.
  • If the battery is held in a securing bracket, use your pliers or wrench to take out the screws and bolts.
  • Lift the battery straight out of the bracket. Keep in mind that batteries can be heavy, weighing up to 40 pounds.


Removing a car battery doesn’t have to be difficult for Sinking Spring drivers. Performance Toyota is here for drivers from Wyomissing to Lancaster. Whether you’re looking to order parts to do the job yourself or schedule service with our skilled technicians, we are here to help. Contact us today!